
Monday, January 27, 2014

Mountains of Dust

For Christmas my brother gave me Gungor's new album, I Am Mountain.

The title track starts off this way:

I am mountain, I am dust
Constellations made of us
There’s glory in the dirt
A universe within the sand
Eternity within a man

 Part of the bridge states:

Momentary carbon stories
From the ashes
Filled with holy ghost
Life is here now

The rest of the song follows this theme, that we are nothing yet we are everything. We are small yet we are huge. We can do nothing on our own yet we have the capacity for everything.

I think we forget that.

Some people are scared and accumulate wealth, power, or egotism in an effort to forget and discard their nothingness.

Some people are scared and hide within themselves and won't develop or reveal their full capacity as a person in an effort to forget and discard their greatness.

I believe both these stances are destructive and irresponsible.

We are truly nothing. A natural disaster can wipe us off the face of the planet within moments. Wars and human rights crises consistently illustrate human kind's destructive nature. In the big scheme of things, we are ants aimlessly wandering around and destroying our watery planet hanging in the middle of one galaxy amidst thousands in a big, black, vacuum of a universe that is only God knows how large. We are dust.

Yet. Oh, how very yet.

That same God hand-crafted every atom that ever was or will be. That same God breathed life into us unworthy humans. He was the one who made eternity touch this earth at the resurrection of His Son. He brought us purpose - Himself, to love Him and to love His beloved. Those same cosmos that engulf us in wonder are held within the Creator, the personal God that inhabits our hearts. We are created in His image and we. are. mountain.

Yes, we are nothing. But we are everything.

There is grace when we sin and fall. There is Love to keep us going.

A paraphrase of Romans 5:8 reads as follows:

"You are loved more than you will ever know by Someone who died to know you."

Be vast. Be brilliant. For you are the created loved by the Creator. You have been given the capacity of the cosmos to work for the better.

This is what I have been reveling in. This is my encouragement to you today.