
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Commas, Shoes, and Accents! Oh, my!

In desperation to write a blog a week, I found myself Googling. (Or Binging, I did use Bing.) You may call it "lazy," but I call it "humanity pooling our resources." In the words of Lorde's latest hit: So there.

I found myself on the blog of Mary Demuth (one of those Christian authors I was pretty sure I'd heard of before) and she offered one of the best posts on blog idea posts I've ever seen.

Number 7 on her list was "write ten things folks don't know about you." Again, sounds lazy, but I have 8 chapters worth of reading to do this weekend so here we are.

Important things. Via flickr.

  1. In rare moments (usually during a full moon) I can be talkative. Shocker I know, but it happens. After I regretfully spill my guts I go back to my mind-dweller self.
  2. I still don't like my university that much. Or the concept of college in general. But I need to learn the skills and earn a degree to actually work as a Dietitian. So I'm toughing it out. I'll need to get my Master's at some point, but I'll at least have a big girl job by that point and can have a real life. Because college is not real life. Don't fool yourself.
  3. I'm in love with any sport or activity that involves boards. Skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, longboarding, you name it. I love it. One day I might actually learn how to do one or two (or all?!) of these.
  4. I am terrible at answering texts. Just ask my best friends. It may be because I dislike text conversations and their awkward endings. But even texts that require a simple response I won't reply to. I am attempting to get better at that.
  5. I live in the South, but strong Southern accents tend to drive me up the wall. For some odd reason they really stand out to me, but if I know the person I usually get used to it. I'm trying to teach myself to look/listen past the accent and love the person but it's a challenge.
  6. I love, love, love learning about people. If I could, I would sit all my friends and acquaintances down and have them tell me about themselves and answer all my questions about them. I believe that being honest and being our true selves around people is one of most beautiful things in the world, and I live for those moments.
  7. I use commas too often. I'm an advocate of the Oxford comma (see below example), but I simply use them too much probably because I like to use interjections in my writing and commas seem like the best way to do that. I also use parentheses like nobody's business. Editing my blog posts consist of removing commas and parentheses.

Without oxford comma: I wrote letters to my parents, John Green and J.K. Rowling.
With oxford comma: I wrote letters to my parents, John Green, and J.K. Rowling.
See, kiddos? Without the oxford comma, we assume John Green and J.K. Rowling are my parents. With it, we realize that I am writing letters to my parents and two authors. All objections are invalid.

  1. I occasionally write text messages with long words while unconsciously using the syntax used by a member of the Crawley family in Downton Abbey. Because I'm a nerd. I also like to pretend my car is a mini cooper. Apparently I'm delusional in all aspects of life.
  2. A dream of mine is to live in a tiny house. Like these. I'd probably build/buy a movable one and plop it down whenever I'd have to move. I enjoy simple living, and an even simpler house is a challenge I've wanted to live out for a long time. I have an entire pinterest board dedicated to tiny homes.
  3. When ever I meet, pass, or observe a person, I always, always, always look at their shoes first. This makes it difficult for me to pick out shoes to wear (even though my own shoe collection is pretty simple), because I so whole-heartedly believe  that shoes say a lot about a person. I would pass up a good-looking man proclaiming his undying love for me if he was wearing the wrong shoes.

Viola! Hopefully you learned 10+ new things today, including the necessity of Oxford commas. 

You're welcome. 



  1. #3 makes me think you should move to Washington :)
    #7 confirms that we are meant to be friends. Oxford comma all the way!!!
    #8 explains why we are friends, because why talk normally when you can talk Downton??

    These are so fun! Good job, Rach! :)

    1. #3 Honey, there are a lot of reasons why I should move to Washington.
      #7 Oxford comma advocates, unite!
      #8 Exactly. If I can one day be as witty as Lady Mary Crawley, I will be so happy.

      Thank you for the encouragement! <3
